5 resultados para Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá

em Universidad de Alicante


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Objetivos: A principios de 2010 el Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca puso en marcha, en el servicio de partos, el protocolo de donación voluntaria de sangre de cordón umbilical (SCU). Desde la reflexión y la autoevaluación, planteamos un análisis de nuestra situación actual a través del estudio de la influencia de las variables obstétrico-fetales en la calidad de las muestras. Métodos: Con este fin hemos planteado un trabajo de tipo observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal desde mayo de 2010 a noviembre de 2011, con el objetivo de aumentar la calidad de las unidades de SCU y optar por una gestión eficiente que haga sostenible el proyecto. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 123 donaciones potenciales de sangre de cordón y del análisis multivariable de las mismas obtuvimos una correlación positiva significativa entre el número de leucocitos, las semanas de gestación y el parto vaginal. El peso inicial de la unidad se incrementó significativamente a mayor peso del recién nacido y paridad de la donante. Conclusiones: Como conclusiones del estudio nos planteamos esbozar posibles factores predictivos que permitan seleccionar las muestras de mayor calidad y sean complemento de los actuales estándares elaborados por el Banco Público de Málaga. En este sentido nuestros resultados sugieren que en los partos con más semanas de gestación, paridad de la gestante y peso del recién nacido, así como en los partos vaginales, encontramos mayores posibilidades de obtener muestras de alta calidad.


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La Dirección de Operaciones y Enfermería del Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón crea una plaza de Enfermera de Investigación y Formación, siendo este desempeño novedoso, tanto para el propio hospital, como para la mayor parte de los hospitales de la Comunidad de Madrid y no estando definidos los perfiles competenciales de puestos similares. Nos planteamos que, no habiéndose definido hasta ese momento las intervenciones de apoyo que dichas figuras ofertan, resulta difícil determinar el efecto que tienen sobre el personal al que brindan apoyo y asesoramiento, o conocer cuál es su repercusión en los resultados de salud de los pacientes, y por tanto, en la asistencia sanitaria que ofertan los hospitales. Por este motivo, se plantea la tesis que presenta como el objetivo general de definir el proceso de desarrollo competencial de una plaza de Enfermera de Investigación y Formación en una organización sanitaria de atención especializada, valorando la eficacia de su existencia en la mejora de la práctica asistencial enfermera, y por tanto, en la mejora de los resultados de salud de los pacientes. La obtención de los resultados se ha realizado mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de Gestión del Conocimiento basado en la Seguridad del Paciente, que permitía la valoración de las prácticas profesionales enfermeras y de los resultados en salud de los pacientes, asociando dichas evaluaciones a un diseño formativo en Seguridad del Paciente. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que el modelo desarrollado permitió la definición de las competencias de la Enfermera de Investigación y Formación, como figura administradora del modelo, y de las principales figuras impulsoras del mismo, consiguiendo difundir los contenidos en Seguridad del Paciente entre los colectivos receptores y permitiendo la valoración de aspectos de la práctica clínica enfermera y de los resultados de salud en los pacientes, que obtuvieron mejores indicadores tras el periodo de implementación del modelo de Gestión del Conocimiento en Seguridad del Paciente.


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Calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B) (CN) comprises a family of serine/threonine phosphatases that play a pivotal role in signal transduction cascades in a variety of cells, including neutrophils. Angiotensin II (Ang II) increases both activity and de novo synthesis of CN in human neutrophils. This study focuses on the role that intracellular redox status plays in the induction of CN activity by Ang II. Both de novo synthesis of CN and activity increase promoted by Ang II were downregulated when cells were treated with l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione. We have also investigated the effect of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and phenazine methosulfate, which are antioxidant and oxidant compounds, respectively, and concluded that the intracellular redox status of neutrophils is highly critical for Ang II-induced increase of CN expression and activity. Results obtained in neutrophils from hypertensive patients were very similar to those obtained in these cells on treatment with Ang II. We have also addressed the possible functional implication of CN activation in the development of hypertension. Present findings indicate that downregulation of hemoxygenase-1 expression in neutrophils from hypertensive subjects is likely mediated by CN, which acts by hindering translocation to the nucleus of the transcription factor NRF2. These data support and extend our previous results and those from other authors on modulation of CN expression and activity levels by the intracellular redox status.


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are ligand-activated members of the nuclear receptor superfamily that regulate the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and inflammation, although their role in inflammation and immunity is less well known. It has been reported that oxysterols/LXRs may act as anti-inflammatory molecules, although opposite actions have also been reported. In this study, we investigated the effect of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a proinflammatory molecule, on LXRα signalling in human neutrophils. We found that PAF exerted an inhibitory effect on mRNA expression of TO901317-induced LXRα, ATP-binding cassette transporter A1, ATP-binding cassette transporter G1, and sterol response element binding protein 1c. This negative action was mediated by the PAF receptor, and was dependent on the release of reactive oxygen species elicited by PAF, as it was enhanced by pro-oxidant treatment and reversed by antioxidants. Current data also support the idea that PAF induces phosphorylation of the LXRα molecule in an extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-mediated fashion. These results suggest that a possible mechanism by which PAF exerts its proinflammatory effect is through the downregulation of LXRα and its related genes, which supports the notion that LXRα ligands exert a modulatory role in the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory response.


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Purpose: Regulation of liver X receptors (LXRs) is essential for cholesterol homeostasis and inflammation. The present study was conducted to determine whether oleic acid (OA) could regulate mRNA expression of LXRα and LXRα-regulated genes and to assess the potential promotion of oxidative stress by OA in neutrophils. Methods: Human neutrophils were treated with OA at different doses and LXR target gene expression, oxidative stress production, lipid efflux and inflammation state were analyzed. Results: We describe that mRNA synthesis of both LXRα and ABCA1 (a reverse cholesterol transporter) was induced by OA in human neutrophils. This fatty acid enhanced the effects of LXR ligands on ABCA1 and LXR expression, but it decreased the mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (a transcription factor that regulates the synthesis of triglycerides). Although OA elicited a slight oxidative stress in the short term (15–30 min) in neutrophils, it is unlikely that this is relevant for the modulation of transcription in our experimental conditions, which involve longer incubation time (i.e., 6 h). Of physiological importance is our finding that OA depresses intracellular lipid levels and that markers of inflammation, such as ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, were decreased by OA treatment. In addition, 200 μM OA reduced the migration of human neutrophils, another marker of the inflammatory state. However, OA did not affect lipid peroxidation induced by pro-oxidant agents. Conclusions: This work presents for the first time evidence that human neutrophils are highly sensitive to OA and provides novel data in support of a protective role of this monounsaturated acid against the activation of neutrophils during inflammation.